Have Walkers Beef and Onion Crisps Been Discontinued
I've just noticed Walkers no longer make Worcester Sauce flavour crisps!
Source: https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/552935/ive-just-noticed-walkers-no-longer-make-worcester-sauce-flavour-crisps/p2
Forum Member
I always found Seabrook Worcester Sauce flavour too salty. They may have reduced the salt now - everyone else has.
I'm not sure if it was Murphy's that I used to buy. There were definitely some Worcester Sauce crisps around when I was at school in the Seventies, they tasted more like the actual sauce than newer ones.
Tyrrells do Worcester Sauce and Sun-Dried Tomato flavour which are very good. They are quite expensive, usually in smart cafés and delis rather than supermarkets. In fact according to the Telegraph Tyrrells refused to supply Tesco.
Hedgehog flavour? Is that for roadkill fetishists?
French Fries do worcester sauce flavour.
they were my favourite :mad:
Made by Walkers too.
I can get them at my local SPAR, I used to love the Worcestershire crisps, another much lamented loss to the British snack choice (along with Nutty Bars, Whispas, Spangles, et all).
I used to love Worcester Sauce flavour! I used to love the French Fries of that flavour too.
I loved them but haven't seen them for about 10 years
My favourite was Barbecue flavour ... haven't seen those for some time, have they been discontinued too?
The only two crisp flavours that I liked were spring onion and worcestershire sauce. They replaced Worcestershire with Chilli months ago, (and I hate chilli); and the only place in which I have seen Spring Onion being sold is in a random store in Islington.
This flavour is now called BBQ Rib - No idea if they've changed the flavour though.
Oh yeah, Spring Onion was a really nice flavour too but I've only ever seen these in Wilkinson stores at 25p a bag! Not sure if they are still around today though.
I didn't like Worcestershire sauce. I never see Tomato Sauce Walkers though. Discos are hard to find. I used to like KP crisps.
Forum Member
Yes - I miss Tomato sauce flavour Walkers too
Wow, in Wilkinsons!? It's funny how these things have a habit of hanging around longer than they should in the strangest of places. Like almond snickers, which can only be found, to my knowledge, in the pound shops of Dumbarton!
BBQ has changed quite radically, I would say: it used to be the flavour of BBQ sauce; now it is moreso the flavour of the rib..
Marmite and Lamb and Mint rock
They replaced beef and onion with steak and onion which doesnt taste very nice. Hopefully they wont get rid of smoky bacon which is another favorite of mine
They asked Tesco to stop selling the Parsnip crisps. Tesco now make their own Parsnip crisps (and also Vegetable crisps which have parsnips in them) which IMO are much better than the Tyrrells anyway.
Oh my god i cant believe that i loved them! bring them back!
Glad they are still doing Cheddar Cheese!!
Worcester Sauce were gorgeous.... Now I know why I haven't seen them
for ages!
This is what happens once a company gets so big that their goods are almost the only ones available - they then start to trim their range according to sales, and all of a sudden we realise we can longer get the type/flavour we like.
I had a packet with my sandwich today.
Lucky you
I. Love. You. I was just thinking this morning about how much I miss American foods when I've not been there for a while!
Thank you for the link.
They taste like cardboard now, ruined :eek:
Good riddance to them, too.
I miss the old barbecue, that was my absolute favourite flavour. Now they taste like curry.
And cheddar cheese tastes like feet.
And I barely ever see smokey bacon!
And the Ready Salted is...too salty!